Getting Involved with Film in East Tennessee
Nearly two years ago I became involved with Tiptoe. That's the Tennessee Independant Production and Talent Organization, East. It's an organization that despite its really long name has the briefly described mission of making movies. About a year and a half ago we had a really fantastic meeting where some great films were featured. I wrote about that here.
In the meantime, we've made a couple movies and hosted a filmmaking festival for which many of us made movies in a single day. Now there's a brand new program called the Green Room Radio Show which just premiered on AM and on Blogger. It was started by Jerry Eisinger and is co-hosted by Leigh Ann Jernigan. Leigh Ann also runs the official website for the program.
Next I'm working on getting audio blogging set up for my site, and hopefully I can show Leigh Ann and Jerry how to do that. You'll want to hear their super cool radio voices all for yourself.